Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ode to Melbourne

degraves st chicFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

degraves st chic by kittencaboodle featuring Converse shoes

So, basically this environment at the moment has left me less than inspired to write something meaningful or worthwhile at the moment... perhaps mostly because I fear that "uh-oh" moment in which I have someone walk in on me typing furiously and that they read over my shoulder and critique my opinion (a personal hate of mine) or just generally disturb the creative process before I've clicked that little "publish now" button at the bottom of my screen.

So what's new? as it turns out, I need glasses. Most people would be pretty annoyed to discover that they have a problem with their vision, but I have wanted a real pair of prescription glasses since I was about 6 years old. I was a weird child, ok? but it seriously raises the point that glasses are extremely fashionable and they can change the mood of your outfit instantaneously. They can make the serious look quirky, they can make any old casual outfit look edgy and artistic and they still add that tiny touch of mystery to your face. I'm a fan.

I'm picking up my brand new Ralph Lauren 6002s on Friday, I absolutely cannot wait. In fact, here's a picture:
Cool, aren't they?!?

I'll also invest in a stylish back-up pair and perhaps some prescription sunnies... I was thinking a pair of D&Gs and some raybans. Cliche? maybe a little, but why not?

So as you can see from my Polyvore post at the top, I'm getting ideas into my head on what kind of outfits I'll plan around my new eye goodies. Funnily enough, that was also an excuse for me to use some of the items I own in real life on a Polyvore set so I didn't feel bad for posting so many designer finds I can in no way afford. I'm not a designer snob, just very ambitious (and very poor). This post is also a sort of love letter to Melbourne, a city I both admire and loathe simultaneously, often for the same reasons. I love the food here. I love the culture and the fashion and the way things work.... but I also hate the culture and the fashion and the way things work around here a lot of the time. I don't know whether it boils down to homesickness (which I do feel pangs of from time to time) or just a need for something different yet again. Kynan seems to have the same love/hate relationship with this city and he grew up here, so maybe I'm just becoming more Melbourne-ized?

I'm hoping this week I'll finally be able to take my beloved GHDs and other cosmetics out of storage. Pray for me.

In any case, I send warm hugs and mohair kisses if you are sitting through this post right now. Have a strange and extraordinary night.

xx Bunny

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