Friday, September 17, 2010

The Feminist Choice?

 (image from The Guardian)

So, recently we (the Australian public) had our Federal election. For the first time in Australian history, we now have a female Prime Minister. Of course, the story's a lot more complicated than just that, but the bottom line remains the same; we are now one of the most female-friendly countries in the world as far as gender equalty goes... right? Wrong! but not in the way you'd think.

As part of a generation in which feminism has never not existed and we have never had to fight for basic rights, it's easy to take a lot for granted when it comes to my way of living. To me, it seems ludicrous that women are sexually harassed in the workplace everyday and don't say anything, because as a generation, we are taught never to question if it is our fault... we know it is never the victim's fault if they are harassed, abused, raped or otherwise made uncomfortable. We can't comprehend the notion that a woman would not get paid the same as a man for the same job, or that a woman would not be allowed to get  a PHD, fly a plane or fix cars for a living if she so chose to.... but we somehow still have that 'us vs. them' mentality that our previous generations have carried as a chip on their shoulder.

As I said, to me it is impossible to comprehend the idea that we (women) would be unable to have the same career path or lifestyle as a man, as with most other women of my generation... that being said, we're still being dragged back into the 1950s and choosing to side with a woman simply because she IS a woman. Worse still, if we are not siding with a female victim for some reason, it is usually because we feel threatened by her in some way... that she is more attractive, better off financially or somehow 'luckier' than we are. The combination of these two things explains a lot of why women haven't advanced to complete equality with their male counterparts in the workforce or many other aspects in life.

Every few months, one female acquaintence or other will have a gripe on some social networking media that "A male who sleeps around is a legend, a female who sleeps around is a slut". Says who? Probably their female peers who are worried that said female will 'steal' their boyfriend/husband/partner or are jealous of the good time they're having. A self respecting man will never dream of calling a girl a slut in public unless a) another female has called her that first, making it "ok" or b) he is willing to put up with the uproar it will cause by saying that. Women perpetuate their own stereotypes to stop other female rivals from getting ahead... men don't. Women are more likely to ensure another woman doesn't get the job, using the most underhanded methods possible. Men don't. Fairer sex? Really?

So back to my original topic, Julia Gillard. When the election was (finally) over, there was a flood of female friends on Facebook and other social media writing things such as "you go, girl"; "we have a female PM now! girls rule!" and other comments on how they were glad they voted for Julia Gillard and how glad they were that the women finally had a victory over the men. Firstly, you voted for the Labour Party, not Julia Gillard herself. You look like a fool stating otherwise. Secondly, if you only voted for Julia Gillard because she is female, there is a serious problem there. If the women of America voted that way, Sarah Palin would be in power... something that is actually a threat to women's rights. Being a feminist does not mean we gang up on the boys, it means we consider ourselves equal. Equal means equal. Equal means the person who is best for the job, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, etc. gets the job; not the female just because she is female or the male because he is male.

Equal means we don't complain about men because, after all, we're all people. That's the point. If you want to complain about the opposite sex, expect them to do the same... you're being sexist and you're cutting yourself short. Think about it. Equal means you don't need to dress a certain way to assert your feminity OR your lack thereof. There is no feminist uniform. I consider myself to be a gender equalist. I shave my legs, dye my hair and pluck my eyebrows. I am heterosexual. I wear a bra, high heels and short skirts. I have been a stay at home parent at some stage because I have young children and don't make as much as my male partner because I haven't settled into a career as such. I care about my appearance and fashion and makeup... but for my own enjoyment, not to please others of either gender. I have friends of both sexes, gay and straight. I am not what you would call a political radical, I don't sign petitions and I don't go to protests... my political views are relatively conservative. I'm not religious, but I don't enjoy seeing other religions being slandered simply because others believe in them. I consider myself equal to men and women, so I don't complain about men, I complain about assholes in general... some are male and some are female. 

Why am I telling you this? because I am sick of the stereotypical views of men and women. To the point in which I actually prefer a man's company most of the time, there is no pressure to be the 'perfect woman' or to start man-bashing... just to be a decent human being and have a good time. The only way to achieve equality is to treat yourselves and others as equals, so don't treat other people as inferior simply because they are male... no self respecting man would treat a woman that way in modern society, you're worse than your so-called "oppressors".

Think about it.

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